Brand new user to R. I do not have any coding experience. Did a walkthrough install of R in class and worked fine.
In class, 2 days ago, this ran fine:
Sensory_Reps.pca = PCA(Sensory_Reps [,-c(1)], scale.unit=FALSE, ncp=5, graph=TRUE)
I imported a data set (Beer_Data , it showed up with 1599 obs. of 11 variables) and ran:
Beer_Data.pca = PCA(Beer_Data , scale.unit=FALSE, npc=5, graph=TRUE)
Trying to run either now gets a message like:
Error in PCA(Sensory_Reps[, -c(1)], scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = 5, graph = TRUE) :
could not find function "PCA"
Thanks! got it installed and it ran. Now getting an error: unused argument (npc = 5)
When I take that out of the command line, I do get a graph but the dimension 1 is 99.99% and Dim 2 is 0.0057%. The graph is basically a horizontal line. Is there a code I can insert to expand the graph on the y axis?