Could not connect to R Session - Unable to connect to service (1)

I've been running RStudio Server for several years on Arch (Endeavour OS) with no issues until recently. Now when I log into the Rstudio Server session I get the following message:

If I check the status of the rstudio-server service I don't get any errors.

I thought it might be an issue with the previous version of rstudio-server but now that I installed the latest one I still get the issue.

I already saw several messages about this issue throughout the years but no solution or guidance of how to tackle what might be causing it.


Do you get any further messages in the log files in /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-server and ~/.local/share/rstudio/log?

Thanks for your interest and pointing out to the log files:
Here is what I'm getting from the ~/.local/share/rstudio/log

024-11-19T12:51:34.579963Z [rsession-gds506] ERROR The previous R session terminated abnormally; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error {anonymous}::rInit(const rstudio::r::session::RInitInfo&) src/cpp/session/SessionMain.cpp:754
2024-11-19T12:52:08.694115Z [rsession-gds506] ERROR system error 37 (No locks available) [lock-file: /media/nvme2tb/analysis/Cornell_projects/BPIviz_tool/.Rproj.user/30424291/sources/session-39b870bb/lock_file]; OCCURRED AT virtual rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::LinkBasedFileLock::acquire(const rstudio::core::FilePath&) src/cpp/core/file_lock/LinkBasedFileLock.cpp:532; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::attachToSourceDatabase() src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:422
2024-11-19T12:52:08.727416Z [rsession-gds506] ERROR system error 37 (No locks available) [lock-file: /media/nvme2tb/analysis/Cornell_projects/BPIviz_tool/.Rproj.user/30424291/sources/session-39b870bb/lock_file]; OCCURRED AT virtual rstudio::core::Error rstudio::core::LinkBasedFileLock::acquire(const rstudio::core::FilePath&) src/cpp/core/file_lock/LinkBasedFileLock.cpp:532; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::session::source_database::supervisor::{anonymous}::createSessionDir() src/cpp/session/SessionSourceDatabaseSupervisor.cpp:247

Nothing relevant from the log in /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-server

Interesting. I t looks like the process cannot require a lock file:

ERROR system error 37 (No locks available) [lock-file: /media/nvme2tb/analysis/Cornell_projects/BPIviz_tool/.Rproj.user/30424291/sources/session-39b870bb/lock_file]

Does the mentioned file /media/nvme2tb/analysis/Cornell_projects/BPIviz_tool/.Rproj.user/30424291/sources/session-39b870bb/lock_file exist? This looks as if you are trying to edit a project that is stored on an external disc. Is that disc attached?

Yes, the file does exist.
The project is not on an external disk, it's just my 2ndary nvme drive that it's mounted on /media.
A while ago I did some research online about this issue and I kind of remember that others mentioned the "lock" of certain files too.
I'm using the EndeavourOS distro (Arch) with latest updates, I think others with more common distros have also reported the same issue.

Let's try changing the configuration for file locking. This is done in /etc/rstudio/file-locks. A file that normally does not exist, but the defaults correspond to


Can you test if locak-type=advisory and/or use-symlinks=1 help in your case?

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