Copy a variable name in RStudio's GUI

Hello. I haven't used RStudio for long, and maybe you will frown upon my question, which is purely about convenience. I am looking for a way to copy a column/variable name in the GUI, e.g. from the view of a data frame or the environment tab, and then paste it into code. Can this be achieved somehow? I am aware of the completion when starting to type a variable name, but quite often, it doesn't offer the names.

I don't know of a way to copy variable names from the Environment window in the GUI. (Maybe someone else knows? I don't think this is an RStudio feature).

The write_clip() function from clipr might be a helpful workaround:


df <- data.frame(
  foo = c(1, 2, 3),
  bar = c(4, 5, 6),
  baz = c(7, 8, 9)

Then you can use the CTRL + V shortcut to paste the column names. As for global environment variables, you can do the following to copy all of them to the clipboard:

write_clip(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv))

Also, in case you didn't know, you can drag the table column dividers in the environment variable preview, which might help you view variable names if they tend to be on the longer side. Just hover your mouse in between the area listing the variable name and the variable value. The two screenshots show what I mean.

Hope this is helpful.

Thank you very much for the response! Now I know that I didn't just miss something.

I wonder how other users do it. Do you always just type in the complete variable/column name? Seems rather tedious and error prone. I know that it isn't a completely valid comparison, but in Stata, when I hover of a variable name in the respective list, an arrow becomes highlighted, allowing me to copy the name into the console with one click.

Welcome to the world of R from Stata! I used to use Stata a lot, as well. (But I like it better here in R-land :smile: )

There's plenty of tricks to make coding faster. I almost never type out the full variable and column names. Examples below.

  1. I'm working with four waves of public data from a survey, and I've named the data frames rhfs2012, rhfs2015, rhfs2018, and rhfs2021. As soon as I type in "rhf", options show up. I don't need to type the whole thing. I can click the up and down arrow to toggle through the variables.

  2. I can type in the name of the data frame + the "$" (rhfs2021 in my case) to see all the columns within that data frame.

  3. There are roughly 300 columns, so scrolling through would take a long time. Luckily, there is a good text search. Let's say I want to find columns related to mortgages. My guess is that they'll contain the letters "MORT" in them. Voila!

  4. But it doesn't just work for first letters. Here I'm looking for variables related to "cash down". I remember from the codebook that there is probably a "DW" in the variable. So I just type that, and the variables I'm interested in appear.

  5. Finally, sometimes I like to visually explore my data. I oftentimes do it like this:

# or, equivalently
rhfs2021 |> View()

You can also double click the variable name in the Environment pane to view the data.

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Once again, thanks a lot! I heavily use the pipe - among other reasons, to avoid having to type in "df$", which also makes it easier to reuse code fragments. With this way of coding, the completion of variable names doesn't work afaik. Here is a simplified example for a file delivered to me by someone else (hence the less-than-optimal variable names):

df_RZ <- read_sav("spillover_RZ_20240829.sav") %>%
  select(ID, BIPID, Firma, wz, wz2, y_Branchengruppen_3, y_Branchengruppe_2, y_Mitarbeiterklassen_3, f22, f24a, f24b, f24c, U_2021, U_2022, U_2023, UMSATZ_REAL, UMSATZ_JAHR, f23a, f23b, f23c, MA_2021, MA_2022, MA_2023, MITARBEITER_REAL, MITARBEITER_JAHR, Cloudnutzung_2er, f10, f15, f06_neu_1, f06_neu_2, f17_1, f17_2, f08)

Manual insertion of the variable names (or clipr) seems to be the only way in such a case. Am I missing something?

Unfortunately there isn't a way to copy variable names while viewing the dataframe. I like Lorae's suggestion of using clipr.

Another simple method I use is to type names(df) in the console. This will output a list of all the column names, and then I double click the name to highlight for copy and paste. You can also adjust Lorae's method to write_clip(names(df)), saving an extra three characters of typing, hah.

If you want to view some of the data next to the column names, you can enter glimpse(df) or head(df) in the console.

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The reason the variable name completion doesn't work in this example is because you need to read in the data first. So autocompletion would work if you split the code up like so:

df_RZ <- read_sav("spillover_RZ_20240829.sav") 

df_RZ <- df_RZ %>%
  select(ID, BIPID, Firma, wz, wz2, y_Branchengruppen_3, y_Branchengruppe_2, y_Mitarbeiterklassen_3, f22, f24a, f24b, f24c, U_2021, U_2022, U_2023, UMSATZ_REAL, UMSATZ_JAHR, f23a, f23b, f23c, MA_2021, MA_2022, MA_2023, MITARBEITER_REAL, MITARBEITER_JAHR, Cloudnutzung_2er, f10, f15, f06_neu_1, f06_neu_2, f17_1, f17_2, f08)
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