Hi! I'm working with DMS coordinates from an excel. I want them to be placed on a Spanish map. The code is:
##Import latitude and longitude values from the excel##
datos = read_excel('excel_coordenadas.xlsx')
##Conversion from DMS coordinates to DD coordinates##
latitudes = c(datos$LATITUDES)
longitudes = c(datos$LONGITUDES)
chd_lat = substr(latitudes, 3, 3)[1] #Delete symbols such as ´,.,...
chm_lat = substr(latitudes, 6, 6)[1]
chs_lat = substr(latitudes, 12, 12)[1]
coord_lat = char2dms(latitudes,chd=chd_lat,chm=chm_lat,chs=chs_lat) #Coordinate transformation
coord_lat=as.numeric(coord_lat) #Lo transforma en un dato numerico
chd_long = substr(longitudes, 2, 2)[1]
chm_long = substr(longitudes, 5, 5)[1]
chs_long = substr(longitudes, 11, 11)[1]
coord_long = char2dms(longitudes,chd=chd_long,chm=chm_long,chs=chs_long)
coord_long = as.numeric(coord_long)
##Creating Spanish map##
mapa_mundo <- map_data("world") #Genera el mapa del mundo
coordenadas <- data.frame( long = coord_long, #Data frame with longitude and latitude data
lat= coord_lat,
stringsAsFactors = F)
mapa_mundo %>%
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(aes( x= long, y = lat, group = group),
fill = "grey80",
color = "white") +
coord_fixed (xlim= c(-12,5), #These are coordinates for Spanish peninsula
ylim= c(35,45),
ratio = 1)+
geom_point(data=coordenadas, aes(long, lat), #These are my coordinates
color= "blue", size=0.7)
The latitude seems to be well placed but the longitude does not. Can anyone help me? Thank you so much!