Converting shiny input as variable in Meta Regression

Hi Friends
when I pass variable through shinyinput to the regression, the output does not display the column name.
appearing as
factor(m1dat12[, input$mModeratorVar])random
factor(m1dat12[, input$mModeratorVar])systematic

would like to see in this format (group_name is the column name selected)

reference: Meta-Regression Models With or Without an Intercept [The metafor Package]
In this blog, moderator variable is hardcoded as given below
res <-(yi, vi, mods = ~ ablat, data=dat)
here ablat is appearing in the output. but when I pass shinyinput the name is not appearing in the output. this is where, I am trying to sort help from the community.
could someone help me out

You can use renderUI() and pass the text in to it. Sort of like this: Shiny - Display reactive output

Really sorry, I am missing something, I am not able to get the desired results. could you please add a minimum example code
Thank you very much for your support

Can you provide a reproducible example of your application? I assume that input$mModeratorVar is ablat in your example and that you want to have that in the model, but also as text.

Sorry for the delay, your assumption is correct, I want to use the input and show the input by name
Thank you

Hi Good Morning
any input on this


Can you provide a reproducible example of your application?

Hi Good Morning
here is the code having reference to the dataset as well. I have used "" dataset builtin with library(metafor). Thank you for your support


ui <- fluidPage(
align = "center",
column(style = "border: 4px double red;height: 525px;overflow-y: auto;",
width = 3,
aligh = "center",
selectInput(inputId = 'mModeratorVar',label = 'Select Moderator',choices = c('ablat','alloc'),selected='alloc',multiple = FALSE)

column(style = "border: 4px double red;height: 525px;overflow-y: auto;",
       width = 9,
       HTML(paste('<h4><b>',"Meta Regression",'<h5></b>')),

) #fluid row


server <- function(input, output, session) {
dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,

output$mMetaRegressionTxt2 <- renderPrint({
rma(yi, vi, mods = ~ factor(dat[,input$mModeratorVar]), data=dat)

shinyApp(ui, server)

for me output is showing like this

output is required like this: I need name of the variable to be shown instead of Input$mModeratorVar

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