Is there a good way of converting measurment units, within a data frame, using the values within the data frame? I could write a manual function to check for specific units, but ideally I would just use the units that are in the units package or somewhere else.
My non-working attempt:
# this works
# from
a <- set_units(5, "ug/L")
units(a) <- make_units(mg/L) # 0.005 [mg/L]
b <- set_units(10, "ug/L")
units(b) <- make_units(mg/L) # 0.01 [mg/L]
# test dataset ---------------------------------------------------
df1 <- tibble::tribble(
"127-18-4", "Tetrachloroethene", "EPA MCL", 5, "ug/L",
"7440-38-2", "Arsenic", "EPA MCL", 10, "ug/L"
# this does not
df1 %>%
mutate(new = set_units(ACTION_LEVEL, CRITERIA_UNIT))
# function also does not work
row_units <- function(df, to_units){
value <- df$action_level[1]
meas_unit <- df$CRITERIA_UNIT[1]
new <- as_units(value, meas_unit)
units(new) <- make_units(to_units)
df$new_units <- to_units
# with function
df1 %>%
pmap(tibble) %>% # each row to tibble
map2_dfr(~row_units(.x, "mg/L"))
## Error in as_mapper(.f, ...) : argument ".f" is missing, with no default
Setting mode = "standard" helps with using mutate, but the new column can only have one unit. The set_units() function only takes a single value for the unit, so I wrapped the column name in unique().