I've tryed to convert a chr variable into a Num column and the output was the folllowing:
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Can you help me avoid this error?
Thank you.
I've tryed to convert a chr variable into a Num column and the output was the folllowing:
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Can you help me avoid this error?
Thank you.
It's not an error, just a warning that some of your values have been converted to NA.
Thank you martin.R but all the column was converted to NA instead of numbers.
That wasn't what I wanted to do.
Ok, in that case all your entries contained one or more non-numeric characters, so they cannot be converted using as.numeric()
Please provide a reproducible example:
FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners - meta / Guides & FAQs - RStudio Community
Yes they have commas as you can see here:
1 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 19053199 2211,00 3955,00 0,00
2 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 20052020 2124,00 401,00 0,00
3 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 23091090 888,00 1090,00 0,00
4 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 30051000 94,00 130,00 0,00
5 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 33072000 58,00 67,00 0,00
6 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 33073000 950,00 1113,00 0,00
7 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 34011900 4543,00 5738,00 0,00
8 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 48181010 1599,00 1837,00 0,00
9 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 48183000 1915,00 2201,00 0,00
10 2016 1 1 106909045 ES 85392198 1507,00 1731,00 3600,00
How can I avois that error?
I cannot tell how your data is formatted from that.
Please refer to the link I posted and use dput()
to post example data.
I'm not clicking on an unknown link. Please follow the instructions I have given to post the data on this forum. Otherwise you will have to rely on somebody else stepping in.
The output of dput is this one:
structure(list(ANO_REF = c(2016L, 2016L, 2016L, 2016L, 2016L),
MES_REF = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), FLUXO = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L), NPC = c(106909045L, 106909045L, 106909045L, 106909045L,
106909045L), PAIS_COD = c("ES", "ES", "ES", "ES", "ES"),
NC8 = c(19053199L, 20052020L, 23091090L, 30051000L, 33072000L
), VF = c("2211,00", "2124,00", "888,00", "94,00", "58,00"
), ML = c("3955,00", "401,00", "1090,00", "130,00", "67,00"
), US = c("0,00", "0,00", "0,00", "0,00", "0,00")), row.names = c(NA,
-5L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
If the comma is intended to be a decimal separator, then you can fix this when importing the data, e.g. via ?read.csv
and the dec
Otherwise this should fix it in the session:
F1_2016_2018$VF <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", F1_2016_2018$VF))
Thank you very much martin.R!
You solved my problem.
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