Convert documentation to markdown

I am following 16  Function documentation – R Packages (2e) and I converted documentation for my package with using the three-stage workflow and crosschecked with Convert documentation to markdown by krlmlr · Pull Request #1583 · rstudio/rmarkdown · GitHub example. All seems to work, except I do not know if it is a problem that find_rd() is not empty after all automated and manual conversions are done and still reports:

  1. escaped characters: (\[***\]- for historical reasons, I use literal square brackets and do not want the text to be hyperlinked)

  2. equations: \eqn{} or \deqn{} - the main reason I am asking; these seem to be the old style Rd tags but in none of the materials above I saw a suitable substitution. In general, $eq$ or


should work but in my case it produces literal $eq$ in the documentation. Is it not supported yet or am I doing something wrong?

  1. contextual syntax: \dontrun{} is specific for examples and I assume it does not have a direct translation in markdown syntax. Though in Hadley et al. suggest alternatives such as @examplesIf condition or e.g. interactive() or try() I hope it is not a problem if some parts of the examples still keep \dontrun{}, or is it?

I am asking to make sure that potential issues will not bite me later because I might be stuck in the middle between two approaches to document.
Thank you!

My description includes:
RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)

One of the very useful functions of RStudio for managing documentation process was Reflow Comment. After switching to markdown = TRUE, it is not anymore safe to use as it will be breaking lists or multiword hyperlinks (maybe more?). Is there a plan to support Reflow again with the consideration of markdown syntax?

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