I have a dataframe d (read from an RDS or Excel file):
ID Date
1 1990-01-02
2 1990-01-03
3 1990-01-04
and cannot remove the date column through this code:
d <- d %>% select(where(function(x) !is.Date(x)))
and cannot change the format to character through this code:
d <- d %>% mutate(across(where(is.Date), as.character))
in both cases the print(str(d)) pre and post processing still retains the date column as is:
$ Date : POSIXct, format: "1990-01-02" "1990-01-03" "1990-01-04" "1990-01-05" ...
I am simply trying to remove or reformat the date column. How can I do this through tidyverse?