Contributing to tidyverse packages

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at:

Contributing to tidyverse packages

Contributing to open-source software can make you a better programmer, increase your visibility in the community, and help you shape and improve the tools you use every day. This talk will cover the strategies and mechanics of making contributions to “mature” open-source projects, and focus on the tidyverse in particular. From minor changes, to major features, we’ll walk-through some of the collaborative dynamics and technical elements to expect, and discuss strategies to make contributing maximally rewarding for you and project maintainers.

Contributing to the tidyverse, Mara Averick, @dataandme, Video

Mara Averick - tidyverse developer advocate
Mara is the tidyverse developer advocate. She got into R by way of a long-time love for the NBA and (fantasy) basketball. When not catering to the every whim of her dogs, she can be found: perusing weird words; indulging her bibliomania; and/or quantifying, visualizing, and watching Archer.