Console up arrow doesn't bring back last command reliably

There seems to be a bug in recent versions of RStudio IDE where the console history (via up arrow) doesn't reliably bring back the last command run. It seems to skip lines sometimes. I can't quite isolate what is happening. It seems that maybe it skip lines that I enter directly into the console versus lines that come from the source pane, but I haven't reproduced the issue carefully enough to know for sure. I do know that it doesn't 100% skip these history lines.

This is happening in Version 2025.04.0-daily+168 (2025.04.0-daily+168), but was also happening in the most recent stable release.


Hi @genec1, I can replicate this issue on 2024.12.0 Build 467

Same issue on 2024.12.0 Build 467

Up arrow seems to be ignoring console inputs, and inserting other commands (maybe ones that caused errors?).

Somewhat useful workaround is to use cntrl + up (cmd + up on Mac) to get the recent history. This brings up recent console input, but it's also including some other commands simultaneously.

I cleared my history and deleted all of the .Rhistory files. Still getting some ghost commands as shown below.