I am trying to connect my R to Azure Data Lake as my source of data via SAS token. I get from Azure DataLake administrator read
access to given folder. So to summarize I have:
blob_service = 'https://DataLakeName.blob.core.windows.net'
data_lake_storage = 'https://DataLakeName.dfs.core.windows.net'
pathToFolder = 'path/to/folder/with/acess'
blob_sas_token = 'blobksastoken1232133210'
blob_sas_url = 'blob_service/pathToFolder?blob_sas_token'library(AzureStor)
end_point <- blob_endpoint(endpoint = blob_service, sas = blob_sas_token)
Unfortunately when I check how end_point
looks like, it doesn't look properly
Azure blob storage endpoint
URL: https://datalakename.blob.core.windows.net/
Access key: <none supplied>
Azure Active Directory token: <none supplied>
Account shared access signature: <hidden>
Storage API version: 2021-06-08
But I tried to run:
and I got error:
Error in process_storage_response(response, match.arg(http_status_handler), :
Internal Server Error (HTTP 500). Failed to complete Storage Services operation. Message:
Server encountered an internal error. Please try again after some time.
Any ideas on how to connect to the ADL so I can access the data I have been granted access to?
I would be grateful for any help, because I have read the whole internet on this subject and I have not given advice