Hello, there were some related posts on iframes 6 or 7 months ago, but I thought I would just follow up with a new thread/post. I see that (while still in beta form) there are now three plans on the Connect Cloud page. I was wondering if any of the paid plans will allow for custom URLs. I know that shinyapps.io has that capability (albeit only for a ridiculously high-priced plan), so I assume that Connect Cloud will eventually have it as well...just wondering about the current status. Thanks!
Custom domains are on the roadmap, but I don't envision that we will be able to support them in 2025. Until then, some users have been happy with (1) the new customizable content URLs that can be set from Content Settings page or (2) iframing in specific pieces of content fro Connect Cloud into to their own domains directly.
Please let me know if this helps or if you have a different problem to solve. Thanks,
@alex_chisholm I appreciate the response. For my purposes, I think both of those may be good solutions. I saw the Vanity URLs in the Posit Connect docs, but I did not see it in the Connect Cloud docs so I wasn't sure if it had the same capability. Also, with regard to the iframing, do cloud deployments already appear in an iframe (I think that was the case based on a question from July)?
@adrennhoff, we are about to release a blog and update the docs for three new features:
- Automatic Content Thumbnails
- Customizable Content URLs
- Automatic Publish on Push
I'll post links here when that goes live. However, you can already set a custom name in the product. After you do the initial deploy, go to the Content Settings page and scroll down to the URL section.
Once you republish, the new URL will be the default sharing link for a piece of content.
In terms of iframes, the default sharing URL is now iframeless . You can get to it by copying the sharing URL or clicking the Standalone View icon from the Content Admin page.
Hope this helps!
This is all really helpful. Thanks -- I'm excited to see this product continue to develop and evolve.
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