Hey @juma728 ! Very glad to hear the API and the connectapi
package have been helpful for you! We do not have an ideal solution to your problem today, although we are looking forward to improving this story!
The "workaround" that should get you what you want, I believe, is something like this:
client <- connect()
#> Defining Connect with host: https://colorado.rstudio.com/rsc
all_tags <- get_tags(client)
#> Warning: The `get_tags` function is experimental and subject to change without warning in a future release
#> This warning is displayed once per session.
get_content(client, filter = list(tag = paste(c(all_tags$Technology$BackEnds$id, all_tags$Technology$Email$id), collapse = ":")))
#> Warning: The `get_content` function is experimental and subject to change without warning in a future release
#> This warning is displayed once per session.
#> # A tibble: 5 x 36
#> id guid access_type connection_time… read_timeout init_timeout
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 4045 780e… all NA NA NA
#> 2 3660 a510… all NA NA NA
#> 3 2543 158e… acl NA NA NA
#> 4 1008 d568… logged_in NA NA NA
#> 5 724 e576… all NA NA NA
#> # … with 30 more variables: idle_timeout <dbl>, max_processes <int>,
#> # min_processes <int>, max_conns_per_process <int>, load_factor <dbl>,
#> # url <chr>, vanity_url <lgl>, name <chr>, title <chr>, bundle_id <int>,
#> # app_mode <int>, content_category <chr>, has_parameters <lgl>,
#> # created_time <dttm>, last_deployed_time <dttm>, r_version <chr>,
#> # py_version <chr>, build_status <int>, run_as <chr>,
#> # run_as_current_user <lgl>, description <chr>, app_role <chr>,
#> # owner_first_name <chr>, owner_last_name <chr>, owner_username <chr>,
#> # owner_guid <chr>, owner_email <chr>, owner_locked <lgl>,
#> # is_scheduled <lgl>, git <list>
Created on 2020-09-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
As with other experimental parts of the connectapi
package, it is good to (1) pin the version of the connectapi
you are using with renv
or some such, (2) be wary that upgrading Connect could change API endpoints without warning and cause issues.
We are hoping to stabilize some of these experimental parts of the API in coming releases, and when we do so, we expect that some of this will become a bit nicer in the package as well. For now, this should work though! 
Please let us know if you run into any trouble, or if you have feedback on the API, package, etc. We love hearing what the API enables for our customers!