I tried every way possible on the internet but it does not work.
Please note - i have modified the code and there might be a bracket extra but my server shows no error except that the conditional statement shows even before i click on 'X'
you have apparently broken your UI by placing verbatimTextOutput("value") twice, as all ui items should have unique id's. reusing an id is hard to debug, and has unpredictable effects, always watch out for it !
I ran into another issue now- conditionalPanel() not working with || as it does not show the radio buttons when i choose both methods.
Hi, the conditional panel for example (ui.R):
awesomeCheckboxGroup("method", label = (" Methods class 1 available"), choices = list("one" = "M", "two" = "S"), selected = "M", inline = FALSE, status = "primary" ),
# if method = M or S then execute below.
condition = "(input.method == 'M' || input.method == 'S')",
prettyRadioButtons(inputId = "data", "Choose our data",
c("data1"="dat1", "data2"="dat2"), status = "primary"),
Now the issue is that this does not show the radio buttons when I choose both methods"one" and "two". Kindly help me.
My javascript knowledge is much less than my r.
But I can tell you why it's not working.
When you select both, then input method is neither m nor s but a composite of m and s. So perhaps you can test for absence of a string or value in javascript and negate that