Conditionally display local image in Flexdashboard

I have a shiny app that begins with a series of instructions that are conditional on the input that a user selects. I want to include both text and a local image as part of the instructions. renderUI seems to be unable to locate the local image. include_graphics displays the image as expected, but I can not make it conditional on the input that the user selects. A simple reprex is included below:

title: "MyApp"
runtime: shiny
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Sidebar {.sidebar}

            label = "Select an input",
            choices = list(" "=1,
                           "Input 1" = 2,
                           "Input 2" = 3))


Row {.tabset}

### img src

  input_type <- input$input_type
  if (input_type == 1) {
    HTML('Welcome to my app! Here are some instructions about how to use it. 
A helpful image will appear when you select an input.')} 
  else if (input_type == 2) {
    HTML('Here are some instructions.
         <div><img src = "Posit_1.png"></div>')
  else if (input_type == 3) {
    HTML('Here are some other instructions. 
         <div><img src = "RStudio_2.png"></div>')

### include_graphics


Hi! So glad to find your post as I am looking for an answer too. Rather than submit to you a formalized answer, I've found this section in "Mastering Shiny". I'll be spending some time with it and may be able to provide a more detailed answer later.
Chapter 7.3 Images

Here's the code for my particular solution:

    if(input$mp_model_type == "xgb"){
          src = file.path("./plots/xgb_conf_matrix.jpg"),
          contentType = "image/jpeg",
          width = 275,
          height = 200
    } else if (input$mp_model_type == "lr"){
          src = file.path("./plots/xgb_conf_matrix.jpg"),
          contentType = "image/jpeg",
          width = 275,
          height = 200
  }, deleteFile = FALSE)

Thanks so much for sharing! That works for conditionally displaying an image, but I'm trying to display an image and text. That is why I used renderUI instead of renderImage. I don't think I can conditionally display text with renderImage.

I might try creating two rows and using renderUI in the first one for the text, and renderImage in the second one for the image, and see if that works..

1 Like

I was able to add both a renderUI and renderImage within separate divs. This solved my problem, and I can now display both the instructions (text) and image conditionally.

However, I have a new problem: the image is getting cut off. Shiny/Flexdashboard doesn't seem to realize that the image is larger than the screen.

I can force it to add a scroll bar, but the scroll bar doesn't activate because it doesn't realize that the image is off the screen.

title: "MyApp"
runtime: shiny
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Sidebar {.sidebar}

            label = "Select an input",
            choices = list(" "=1,
                           "Input 1" = 2,
                           "Input 2" = 3))


Row {.tabset}

### renderUI 

  input_type <- input$input_type
  if (input_type == 1) {
    HTML('Welcome to my app! Here are some instructions about how to use it. 
A helpful image will appear when you select an input.')} 
  else if (input_type == 2) {
    HTML('Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.')
  else if (input_type == 3) {
    HTML('Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.<br>
         Here are some instructions.')

  input_type <- input$input_type
  if (input$input_type==1){
      src = "no_image.png",
      contentType = "image/png"
  else if (input$input_type == 2) { 
      src = "Myimage1.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
  else if (input$input_type == 3) {
      src = "Myimage1.png",
      filetype = "image/png"
  }, deleteFile = FALSE)


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