Conditional linear Gradient on leaflet map

Dear all,

I would like to visualise an additional variable on a leaflet map in Shiny using different hatched lines for the polygons.

As a fist basic step I have tried to change the whole map. in CSS there is a function like the following that I have included in my styles.css file but with no results

background: repeating-linear-gradient(
#606dbc 10px,
#465298 10px,
#465298 20px);

I have also tried to use path but again no changes in the map

.path {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
#606dbc 10px,
#465298 10px,
#465298 20px);

How can I modify the map and how can I do it conditionally on the values of a factor variable in shiny?

Any suggestions are welcome

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