Hi, I tried to generate a conditional function in R for the following function f(x)=\begin{cases}
log(2-x)& 0<x<2\\
0, &otherwise
f <- function(x){
if(x>0 && x<2){log(2-x)} else{0}
My function works when I separately input values but when I try to input a vector:
L = c(1,1.9,2,3)
[1] 0.000000 -2.302585 -Inf NaN
I found that all element in the vector was passed into the function log(2-x) but not following my if-else conditions, how should I solve this problem? Thanks.
The ifelse function can be used for vectorized if tests. This works but still prints a warning because calculations are done and then filtered by the test condition.
f <- function(x){
+ ifelse(x>0 & x<2,log(2-x), 0)
+ }
L = c(1,1.9,2,3)
[1] 0.000000 -2.302585 0.000000 0.000000
Warning message:
In log(2 - x) : NaNs produced