I have a html document in Rmarkdown. I am trying to conditional format the cells of a data frame called df .The condition is quite simple : if x< then background is grey and other wise pink background. But when I render it nothing happens .By "nothing" I mean no conditional formatting occures in the dara frame. Why ?
df <- tibble(variable = letters[1:6],
value1 = c(1:3, 5, 2, 4),
value2 = c(3:1, 4, 4, 2))
gc_cell_spec_row <- function(x){
case_when( x<3 ~ kableExtra::cell_spec(x = x, format = "html", color = "white",background = "#BBBBBB"),
x>=3 ~ kableExtra::cell_spec(x = x, format = "html", color = "white",background = "#F094F0")
mutate(across(value1:value2, ~gc_cell_spec_row(.x)))%>%
kableExtra::kbl(., "html", escape = FALSE)%>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))