Authors: Gustavo Adolfo Espinoza Peralta
Working with Shiny <1 year
Abstract: This is a dashboard that monitors a citizen consultation process done at the national level. It makes use of maps, descriptive statistics, word network and word cloud.
Full Description: The items on the left side of this dashboard are the following: About us, explain what the NEC is and the consultation process; National progress, shows us how many events have been held in the different departments of Peru, differentiated by type of event and target audience; Opinions collected, through a word cloud we observe the most important terms when talking about education; Main words network, shows the words that are most related to the word education.Finally; Dynamic statistics, shows us the amount of events that are expected to be carried out and those already carried out (Expected amount, Actual amount) according to the criteria (Group) that the user can choose, taking into account that the qualitative variables are: NOMBDEP, Age, Event.
Category: Education
Keywords: Education, statistics, map, word cloud
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - Gustavogaep/Contest2020: Este es un dashboard en código R
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud
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