Hey guys,
I am completely new to Rstudio and statistical/data-analysis. For a new project I need to analyse data with Rstudio and I am lost... I was able to introduce myself in some points of Rstudio like readin data (xlsx etc..), how to work with perfect dataframes I got from people who already finished theri script, and some other things. But when it comes to own data and differently structured dataframes, nothing works from what they did...
Now i would like to count number of insect species on different plots, I determined myself (which means that I created the xlsx-sheet myself).
I have a dataframe with 576 rows and 6 columns. Column 1 is the plot ID (for example: Greece1) the following columns refere to the insects: Col 2 is family, Col 3 is sub-family, Col 4 is genus, Col 5 is subgenus and Col 6 is the species. For my question now I will only need the plot ID and Col4 and Col6 (Col4 and Col6 together are the insect species).
What I would like to do now is to count how much species I have per PlotID... and I have no idea how...
WOuld you have some advice or ideas? Do I need to change the structure of my xlsx? If so, how?
All the data in the columns are names like Greece1 or Genus is Stenolophus and species teutonus. Do I need to make them as.numeric or as.factors? I read about those functions but I did not fully understand them.
I hope that I don't ask to much, but as I am lost in Rstudio I have no idea how to continue..