CompileError when trying to customize a shiny theme

Hi all,

I'm trying to reproduce this code example to customize a shiny for pyhton theme. Here is what I did:

First, I installed libsass using

pip install libsass

Then, I created the file as shown in the example and tried to run the script but I ran into this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Users\tl100\PycharmProjects\shiny_amulator\development\", line 19, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\tl100\.conda\envs\shi\Lib\site-packages\shiny\ui\", line 430, in to_css
    self._css = sass.compile(string=self.to_sass(), **args)
  File "C:\Users\tl100\.conda\envs\shi\Lib\site-packages\", line 725, in compile
    raise CompileError(v)
sass.CompileError: Error: File to import not found or unreadable: C:Userstl100.conda♫nvsshiLibsite-packagesshinywwwsharedsasspresetshiny_01_functions.scss.
        on line 1:1 of stdin
>> @import "C:\Users\tl100\.conda\envs\shi\Lib\site-packages\shiny\www\shared\s

And indeed, the path that could not be found or read looks really strange. So, I tried to paste the absolute path into the file:

    def to_sass(self) -> str:
        Returns the custom theme as a single Sass string.

            The custom theme as a single Sass string.
        # path_functions = path_pkg_preset(self._preset, "_01_functions.scss")
        path_functions = "C:/Users/tl100/.conda/envs/shi/Lib/site-packages/shiny/www/shared/sass/preset/shiny_01_functions.scss"
        path_defaults = path_pkg_preset(self._preset, "_02_defaults.scss")
        path_mixins = path_pkg_preset(self._preset, "_03_mixins.scss")
        path_rules = path_pkg_preset(self._preset, "_04_rules.scss")

However, I get the same issue:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\tl100\PycharmProjects\shiny_amulator\development\", line 19, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\tl100\.conda\envs\shi\Lib\site-packages\shiny\ui\", line 430, in to_css
    self._css = sass.compile(string=self.to_sass(), **args)
  File "C:\Users\tl100\.conda\envs\shi\Lib\site-packages\", line 725, in compile
    raise CompileError(v)
sass.CompileError: Error: File to import not found or unreadable: C:/Users/tl100/.conda/envs/shi/Lib/site-packages/shiny/www/shared/sass/preset/shiny_01_functions.scss.
        on line 1:1 of stdin
>> @import "C:/Users/tl100/.conda/envs/shi/Lib/site-packages/shiny/www/shared/s

Yet, the path looks different but still could not be accessed. I also tried to customize a shinyswatch theme using this approach:

import shinyswatch

    primary="#aa00ff",  # purple
    secondary="#bfff00",  # lime green
    strong {
      color: $primary;

But I run into the same error.

Does someone of have an idea of what else I could do? Please let me know if you need further information. I appreciate any help, thanks :raising_hand_man:

HI @thundert, welcome to the forum!

Although I am using macOS, I too am running into issues with that example...I've started a thread internally to get some understanding of what is happening, I will respond back here when we understand the issue better.


Hi @thundert, can you confirm that the following folder actually exists on your computer?

@grrrck 's question is a good one, but I also want to add that I opened a GitHub issue about a bug I am facing:

So you might also check that @thundert by putting your and files in a directory by themselves and seeing if that works.


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Hi you two :slight_smile: ,

thanks for diving into the topic. I checked the folder and it exists:

However, I realized that in my first post the absolute path I used was wrong. It was

path_functions = "C:/Users/tl100/.conda/envs/shi/Lib/site-packages/shiny/www/shared/sass/preset/shiny_01_functions.scss"

, while it should be (there was a slash missing after shiny)

path_functions = "C:/Users/tl100/.conda/envs/shi/Lib/site-packages/shiny/www/shared/sass/preset/shiny/_01_functions.scss"

Once, I paste the corrected absolute paths into, compiles without issues and I can use it in my app as

app_ui = ui.fluid_page(
theme=Path(__file__).parent / "my_theme.css",

Thus, my naive assumption is that path_pkg_preset() does not correctly create the paths to the .scss files.

Tobi :upside_down_face:

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Hi again,

I have another question on this topic. Once I use the workaround with the absolute paths in, I get a .css file and I can use this as

app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
theme=Path(__file__).parent / "my_theme.css"

and my app looks accordingly. That's nice! :star_struck:

However, in the README on GitHub it says I can use .colors after importing the theme to theme my plots like:

from shinyswatch.theme import minty as shiny_theme

color = shiny_theme.colors.primary

Now, I wondering how to import my custom theme? What I tried, but what is not DRY, is:

from shinyswatch.theme import minty as shiny_theme

shiny_theme = shiny_theme.add_defaults(

color = shiny_theme.colors.primary

However, this did not change the color :slightly_frowning_face: Does someone know the solution to this issue? That would be great!


Hi @thundert! Glad you figured out the path issues. (or if you haven't and I've misread the above thread, please feel free to open an issue on github at

In terms of the .color property of shinyswatch themes, unfortunately that's a feature specific to prebuilt shinyswatch themes. I think it's worth us considering doing this more generally. It doesn't work like this at the moment because there are many ways to update the Sass value of $primary and we wouldn't be able to capture them all. That said, it'd be reasonable to watch for colors being set via the .add_defaults() method. I opened an issue for this feature request: Capture theme color changes made via `.add_defaults()` · Issue #46 · posit-dev/py-shinyswatch · GitHub