Competing Risks Analysis with cmprsk

Hello everyone... just started learning about statistics & R programming. Please excuse me for some beginner questions!

I am trying to use the cmprsk package for survival analysis for my dataset. "sev" is a list of disease severities where 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe.

Input :

z_sev <- cmprsk::crr(ftime, fstatus, sev, failcode=1,cencode=0))

Output :

Competing Risks Regression
cmprsk::crr(ftime = ftime, fstatus = fstatus, cov1 =sev)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p-value
sev1 0.662 1.94 0.191 3.47 0.00052
exp(coef) exp(-coef) 2.5% 97.5%
sev1 1.94 0.516 1.33 2.82
Num. cases = 852 (2 cases omitted due to missing values)
Pseudo Log-likelihood = -290
Pseudo likelihood ratio test = 13.2 on 1 df,

I am stuck as the code seems to only one estimated regression coefficient, when I was expecting 2 coefficients (e.g. one for sev2, one for sev3 - using sev1 as reference). May I ask where did my input go wrong?

Thank you!

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