I have acces to a SQL server database where every year is stored in its own view. I can load data for every year into R and do all calculations locally, but sometimes I would be a lot faster if I could combine several years with dbplyr and do the calculations in the database. But I'm not a SQL wizard and I don't know how to do that. Can anybode help me?
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server",
server = "XXXX",
database = "XXXX",
bigint = "numeric",
encoding = "windows-1252")
dfstativ_first_year <- tbl(con, paste0("STATIV", "1997", "_tot"))
dfstativ_last_year <- tbl(con, paste0("STATIV", "2006", "_tot"))
dfstativ_first_year <- dfstativ_first_year %>%
select(Kommun) %>%
filter(Kommun == "1280") %>%
tally() %>%
mutate(year = 1997L)
# dfstativ_first_year
# Database: Microsoft SQL XXXXX \B/P0XXX]
# n year
# <int> <int>
# 1 251539 1997
dfstativ_last_year <- dfstativ_last_year %>%
select(Kommun) %>%
filter(Kommun == "1280") %>%
tally() %>%
mutate(year = 2006L)
# dfstativ_last_year
# Database: Microsoft SQL XXXXX \B/P0XXX]
# n year
# <int> <int>
# 1 276244 2006
# This is how I would combine tables in dplyr if the data was stored in R's memory
dfstativ_first_year %>%
# But that gives me an error:
# Error: Argument 1 must be a data frame or a named atomic vector.
# Desired result is:
# n year
# <int> <int>
# 1 251539 1997
# 2 276244 2006
Can I solve this without having to download all data into R?