Column width not working with gt table and Quarto Typst

I have a Quarto document rendering to a PDF using Typst. When I insert a gt table I can't control the width. Other formatting works (i.e. conditional text color) but the cols_width arguments gets ignored. Below are screens shots of when it's run in the console vs rendered document:



Here is my code:

title: "Untitled"
format: typst

#| include: false 


#| results: asis
#| tbl-cap: "Caption"

gtcars |> 
  select(1:5) |> 
  head() |> 
  gt() |> 
    mfr ~ px(150), 
    model ~ px(150)
    ) |> 
    columns = year,
    rows = year >= 2016,
    palette = c("red"),
    apply_to = "text"

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Solution provided here: `gt::cols_width` does not work with `format: typst` · Issue #226 · quarto-dev/quarto-r · GitHub

Column widths must be in percentages.

gtcars |>
  select(1:3) |>
  head() |>
  gt() |>
    mfr ~ "50%",
    model ~ "25%",
    year ~ "25%"
    ) |>
    columns = year,
    rows = year >= 2016,
    palette = c("red"),
    apply_to = "text"
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