Coloring Plots According to a 4th Variable

Suppose I have the following "data frame" ("my_grid"):


#create grid and evaluate function
input_1 <- seq(0,100,1)
input_2 <- seq(0,100,1)
input_3 <- seq(0,100,1)
input_4 <- seq(0,100,1)

my_grid <- data.frame(input_1, input_2, input_3, input_4)
my_grid$final_value = sin(input_1) + cos(input_2) + input_3 + input_4

We can see how this data frame looks like:


  input_1 input_2 input_3 input_4 final_value
1       0       0       0       0    1.000000
2       1       1       1       1    3.381773
3       2       2       2       2    4.493151
4       3       3       3       3    5.151128
5       4       4       4       4    6.589554
6       5       5       5       5    9.324738

Question: I want to make a 3D surface plot with variables "input_1", "input_2", "input_3" - and then color the surface according to "final_value"

       plot_ly() %>% 
            add_trace(data = my_grid,  x=my_grid$input_1, y=my_grid$input_2, z=my_grid$input_3, type="mesh3d" )
 %>%   add_surface(surfacecolor = my_grid$final_value,

But this returns several errors, such as :

  • Error: unexpected SPECIAL in "%>%"
  • Error: unexpected ',' in " cauto=F,"

I have tried different ways to debug this code, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can someone please show me how to fix these errors?


Here is an example of plotting three variables and coloring the surface with a fourth variable. note that the z values and the colors are in matrices.

X <- seq(0,3.1,0.1)
Y <- seq(0,3.1,0.1)
DF <- expand.grid(X,Y)

#Compute variable for colors
DF$Z <- sin(DF$Var1) + cos(DF$Var2)

#make a matrix of color values
Mat <- matrix(DF$Z,nrow = 32)

#make a matrix for z values, could be made with the same method as Mat2 if I
#had real data.
Mat2 <- matrix(rep(c(1:16,16:1),32),nrow=32)

plot_ly(y=~Y,x=X,  z=~Mat2) %>%  
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Thank you so much for your answer! I really appreciate it!

I tried to modify your code - I wanted to make a grid of three variables X, Y and W - then plot these 3 variables and color them according to Z

X <- seq(0,3.1,0.1)
Y <- seq(0,3.1,0.1)
W <- seq(0,3.1,0.1)
DF <- expand.grid(X,Y, W)

#Compute variable for colors
DF$Z <- sin(DF$Var1) + cos(DF$Var2) + sin(DF$Var3)

#make a matrix of color values
Mat <- matrix(DF$Z,nrow = 32)

#make a matrix for z values, could be made with the same method as Mat2 if I
#had real data.
Mat2 <- matrix(rep(c(1:16,16:1),32),nrow=32)

plot_ly(y=~Y,x=X,  z=~W) %>%  

But this results in an error:
Error: z must be a numeric matrix

Can you please show me how to fix this?

Thank you so much for all your help!

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