cokriging using raster images

Respected Sir,/Ma'am,
I am working on cokring code over raster images. I am facing the issue of creating a grid and using predict command. I have two datasets one has a resolution of 70003500 meters with a lot of missing values for pixels and the other has 1000 meters resolution with mostly area covered with data values. I want to predict values for the dataset of 70003500 meters but at 1000meters resolution. This is the code I have worked upon so far.

aod3k <- raster("crop_LST.tif")
aod3k.d <- discretizeRaster(aod3k, 1000)
aod10 <- raster("crop_CH4.tif")
aod10.d <- discretizeRaster(aod10, 1000) <- aod3k.d$areaValues <- aod10.d$areaValues
coordinates( = ~centx+centy
coordinates( = ~centx+centy

aod3k.ev = variogram($value ~1,
aod10.ev = variogram($value ~1, = fit.variogram(aod3k.ev, model = vgm(psill =60,
model = "Sph",
range = 37000 ,
nugget = 0.2,
cutoff = 0)) = fit.variogram(aod10.ev, model = vgm(psill =40,
model = "Exp",
range = 37000 ,
nugget = 0.000005,
cutoff = 4))

g = gstat(NULL, "LST",$value ~1,
g = gstat(g, "CH4",$value ~1,
g = gstat(g, model = vgm(psill = 40, model = "Exp", range = 37000,
nugget = 0.5), fill.all = TRUE) = fit.lmc(v, g)
g =

Then for creating a grid I am trying two ways either use the 1000meters data to use as the base for grid values:

grid.pred <- discretizeRaster(aod3k, 1000, type = "value") <- grid.pred$areaValues
coordinates( = ~centx+centy
gridded( = FALSE = predict(g,

But it does not produce any grid the output is points rather than cells. Thus I created a grid manually, making it into raster and then converting it to spatial pixels using this link spatial - Create Grid in R for kriging in gstat - Stack Overflow.

I used the following code:
grid.pred <- discretizeRaster(aod3k, 1000, type = "value") <- grid.pred$areaValues
coordinates( = ~centx+centy

The origin has been rounded to the nearest 100

x_ori <- round(coordinates([1, 1]/100) * 100
y_ori <- round(coordinates([1, 2]/100) * 100

Define how many cells for x and y axis

x_cell <- 100
y_cell <- 110

Define the resolution to be 1000 meters

cell_size <- 1000

Create the extent

ext <- extent(x_ori, x_ori + (x_cell * cell_size), y_ori, y_ori +
(y_cell * cell_size))

Initialize a raster layer

ras <- raster(ext)

Set the resolution to be

res(ras) <- c(cell_size, cell_size)
ras <- 0
proj4string(station) <- CRS("+init=epsg:3857")
gridded(ras) = FALSE

Save the raster layer

writeRaster(ras, filename = "grid.tif", format="GTiff")

Convert the raster to grid to be used for kriging

st_grid <- rasterToPoints(ras, spatial = TRUE)
st_grid <- as(st_grid, "SpatialPixels") = predict(g, st_grid)

But again when using the command gridded it shows FALSE rather than TRUE.
Also after writeRaster function, this error pops up but a raster is created.
Warning message:
In .gd_SetProject(object, ...) : NOT UPDATED FOR PROJ >= 6

Any help will be highly appreciated. Kindly let me know what am I missing or where am I going wrong with the codes.

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