Coefficients of Interaction Term(Time*Batch) Involved lm of R and Minitab Stability Study Analysis Coefficients table values not matching

this is the R code to calculate the Coefficients for the interaction term. in this for each batch and batch * time term coefficient and P Value and other values are not matching with Minitab stability study output Coefficients table for each batch and batch*time term.

     mlm<- lm(response ~ time*batch, data=dataframe) 

dataset used.

111.1 0 1
109.2 3 1
108.0 6 1
104.2 9 1
107.8 12 1
105.1 18 1
108.5 22 1
106.3 24 1
107.7 0 2
108.1 3 2
106.4 6 2
103.3 9 2
106.5 12 2
104.9 18 2
105.8 22 2
105.8 0 3
108.2 3 3
104.5 6 3
110.4 9 3
103.7 12 3
107.0 18 3
110.8 0 4
103.4 3 4
103.2 6 4
99.2 9 4
100.7 12 4
107.7 0 5
104.8 3 5
102.4 6 5
109.6 9 5
111.5 12 5
106.4 0 6
101.7 3 6
101.6 6 6
100.2 9 6
106.2 12 6
104.7 0 7
103.8 3 7
104.4 6 7
103.0 9 7
111.7 12 7
105.3 18 7
104.5 21 7
99.0 24 7
104.7 0 8
105.4 3 8
106.2 6 8
104.0 9 8
107.3 12 8
106.0 18 8
105.3 21 8
104.2 24 8
98.2 0 9
100.2 3 9
104.8 6 9
102.4 9 9
105.1 12 9
103.4 18 9
107.3 22 9
99.9 24 9
98.2 0 10
104.0 3 10
105.0 6 10
101.3 9 10
106.5 12 10
104.7 18 10
107.3 22 10
100.0 24 10
102.9 0 11
101.7 3 11
104.1 6 11
100.2 9 11
106.2 12 11
104.3 18 11
105.8 22 11
100.5 24 11
102.9 0 12
104.0 3 12
105.0 6 12
104.0 9 12
103.8 12 12
104.7 18 12
107.2 22 12
99.6 24 12
102.9 0 13
102.6 3 13
107.0 6 13
105.6 9 13
103.2 12 13
99.1 18 13
100.7 22 13
106.3 24 13

here is the minitab result

Minitab is doing some kind of normalization--I don't know what it is. Note that you have 13 categories of batch and that all 13 dummies plus a constant are reported. That's one more coefficient than is possible without some kind of normalization.

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