Code get out of bounds from html / Code is not wrapping

It's my first time using rmarkdown and also using distill. I've been working well while using default style for rmarkdown and html_document. My problem is that when I decided to change to distill_article I got a problem when code was displayed. I got into the default css and I found that if I remove the following line:

@media (min-width: 768px){
d-article pre, d-article div.sourceCode, d-article div.sourceCode pre {
overflow: hidden !important;

from the generated html, it works well but if I try to publish it I get error while publishing.

Is there a way to fix it?

Try using the markdown syntax by fencing with triple backticks.

Mmmm, maybe it could works. But I already solved it by just setting a css as a theme.

The css is like:

@media (min-width: 768px){
d-article pre, d-article div.sourceCode, d-article div.sourceCode pre {
overflow: auto !important;

I only add in that case bcs it only had problems when width was more the 768px.

What type of error do you get ?

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