Clickhouse connection

Hi everyone, I need to connect RStudio to ClickHouse and then be able to run SQL queries in R Markdown, generating a pre-formatted table that I can view in the environment instead of a string that needs to be parsed with another function.

I tried to connect with:
con_click <- clickhouse_http_api(
host = host,
port = port,
user = user,
password = password,
dbname =
but i have this error "Error in clickhouse_http_api(host = host, port = port, user = user, password = password, :
could not find function "clickhouse_http_api""

I tried also with:

Config connection

url <- "http://xxxxxx/"
user <- "xxxx"
password <- "xxxxx"

query <- "select * from aaa.aaa_detail aum LIMIT 10"

Query execution

response <- GET(url, authenticate(user, password), query = list(query = query))

This connection works, but the response is a list e not a table.

I would like to create a connection that allows me to use a query like this (in R markdown)

```{sql connection=con_click,  output.var=prova}
select *
from aaa.aaa_detail pd 
limit 10

Someone can help me?
Thank you