Cleaning up temporary files after testing not working as expected


The setup is that I am trying to test an R package which requires another external software to be installed and running in the shell. I am downloading the latest software from Github in tests/testthat/setup.R so that it runs once for all tests, and then using a helper function in tests/testthat/helper-oms.R to execute the command in the shell for each test (and kill the process once each test ends).

I am trying to follow the advice from the testthat documentation here: Test fixtures • testthat

While I debug, I am downloading the files to my desktop, but eventually I will use tempdir() instead.

In general, this is working, however the code withr::defer(unlink(oms_path), teardown_env()) in setup.R is not removing the file at oms_path after all tests complete and the following message is produced in the Build pane: No deferred expressions to run. Any idea why the unlinking isn't working to cleanup files?

# setup.R
local_install_openmpp <- function() {
  url <- ''
  file <- fs::path_file(url)
  dir <- '/Users/matt/Desktop/'
  path <- paste(dir, file, sep = '/')
  download.file(url, path)
  untar(path, exdir = dir)
  new_path <- fs::path_ext_remove(fs::path_ext_remove(path))

oms_path <- local_install_openmpp()

withr::defer(unlink(oms_path, recursive = TRUE), teardown_env())
# helper-oms.R
local_initiate_oms <- function(path) {
  pid <-
      new = path,
      code = sys::exec_background(cmd = './bin/oms', std_out = FALSE)
# test-connections.R
test_that("API connection succeeds", {

FWIW, replacing my entire setup.R with the example shown at the link above doesn't work either...

# setup.R
# Run before any test
write.csv(mtcars, "/Users/matt/Desktop/mtcars.csv")

# Run after all tests
withr::defer(unlink("/Users/matt/Desktop/mtcars.csv"), teardown_env())

This works fine for me. Can you create a reproducible example? E.g. put your package in public repository and show the commands to run to reproduce your issue?