I am not able to obtain a choose prompt when providing a list to argument choices
of shiny::selectInput()
. Below is a reproducible example (the content of an app.R
file) where I tried to add such a choose prompt, but the only impact it has is that the initially selected choice is now empty. However, this empty choice is not labeled "Choose ...". Am I missing something or is this feature simply not supported?
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("my_select", "Label",
choices = list(
"Choose ..." = c("Choose ..." = ""),
"Group A" = c("A1 label" = "A1", "A2 label" = "A2"),
"Group B" = c("B1 label" = "B1", "B2 label" = "B2")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$my_out <- renderPrint({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I suspect this might be a limitation with selectInput()
(where you can't have a list that contains only ""
). The best I could come up with was
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("my_select", "Label",
choices = list(
"Choose ..." = ""),
"Group A" = c("A1 label" = "A1", "A2 label" = "A2"),
"Group B" = c("B1 label" = "B1", "B2 label" = "B2")
Great, this solved my issue. Thank you! The point seems to be to use the line
"Choose ..." = "",
instead of the line
"Choose ..." = c("Choose ..." = ""),
By the way, I think your whole code was meant to be
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("my_select", "Label",
choices = list(
"Choose ..." = "",
"Group A" = c("A1 label" = "A1", "A2 label" = "A2"),
"Group B" = c("B1 label" = "B1", "B2 label" = "B2")
since otherwise, there is an additional closing parenthesis in the line
"Choose ..." = ""),
June 11, 2020, 3:33pm
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