A user of one of my R-packages reported issues with Chinese characters in titles when creating graphs. The graphs in the package are generated using ggplot2. It seems titles with Chinese characters are not displayed in ggplot in macOS. The same issue even showed up in base-R graphs (see examples below). Any suggestion on how to address this type of issue?
Basically it boils down to a single problem: you need an appropriate Chinese font. It is a hard problem, because unlike English and other western languages, there are not many choices for Chinese fonts on different platforms. It is hard to provide a portable solution. For example, STFangSong is a font only on macOS.
As long as you can find a Chinese font, the showtext package can be very helpful:
@mara Wow, you found a post I wrote more than 10 years ago! Even I almost forgot it. That post was primarily for Chinese characters in PDF and PostScript.