I would like to know if the code below is properly written for generating group_cols
. Making a brief explanation of the code I made:
My first if()
is if I have any row where PV$DTT == DTest & PV$Week== Wk
. The else if
is when I have PV$Week == Wk
and PV$Category==CategoryChosse
, but not PV$DTT == DTest
. That's why I inserted the sign !
. The last condition means if I don't have any of the conditions reported above. Is the code correct according to my thinking?
PV <- structure(list(date2 = c("2021-06-23", "2021-06-24"), Week = c("Wednesday",
"Thursday"), Category = c("ABC", "FDE"), DTT = c("Hol", "Hol"), DR1 = c(4, 1),
DR01_PV = c(0, 0), DR02_PV = c(0, -1), DR03_PV = c(-5,-4), DR04_PV = c(-1, -3),
DR05_PV = c(-1, -3)), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2)
group_cols <-
if (any(PV$DTT == DTest & PV$Week == Wk, na.rm = TRUE)) {
c("Category", "Week", "DTT")
} else if (any(PV$Week == Wk & PV$Category == CategoryChosse & !PV$DTT == DTest, na.rm=TRUE)) {
c("Category", "Week")
} else {