Chattr_app() shortcut within Positron

Longtime RStudio user here, on the fence about making the jump to Positron/VSCode. I love Rstudio and how it works, but would love the cross-platform integration of Positron (VSCode's R console is unusable for someone fully accustomed to RStudio).

However, I'd like to find a way to quickly get in and out of Copilot chat (the ctrl+I highlight in VSCode is great). My understanding is that due to licensing, official Copilot app isn't coming. One workaround is using chattr(). But, goofy as it sounds, it's too slow to type chattr_app() to get in. In Rstudio I have a shortcut so that ctrl+I just opens the chat. Is there an equivalent in Positron?


You might be interested in trying out some of the LLM coding assistants that are not as stringently licensed as Microsoft Copilot. The way these work typically is that you install an extension from the marketplace and then hook it up to an LLM, either a service that you pay for or a local LLM. Here are three that I have heard people have good luck with:

Hi Julia,

Thanks for sending these my way. I have academic access to Copilot is what makes this setup workable for me. I'll do some digging on whether any of the LLM's that plug into those extensions offer academic access to researchers and post back.
