Changing digits in skimr

I am using the new version of skimr in R Notebook. The help file says that I can limit the number of digits:

"You can change the number of digits shown in the columns of generated statistics by changing the skimr_digits chunk option"

I take this to mean I would include e.g. skimr_digits=4 in the top of my chunk:

{r skimr_digits = 4}

However when I do this I still get very long digits in my tables.

Has anyone else come across this? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

seems to me that the chunk option used as you show, does indeed have an effect when you hit the big old Knit button, but not when you are running a chunk interactively. Not ideal eh ?

I just checked but I still get long numbers in the knitted output. I am knitting to html, assume that shouldnt make a difference (have never mastered knitting to pdf, its on the list).

Thanks though

as I tested mine by knitting to html,could it be a package version issue ?

[1] ‘1.28’
[1] ‘2.1’

It also work for me when rendering

title: "Test"
output: html_document

```{r, skimr_digits = 1}

But note for html_notebook because the chunk option seems to not be taken into account by the IDE when running chunk.
It could be an IDE issue here... or a feature in skimr not working for html_notebook format.

This seem to be because, in html_notebook format, knit_print is not called. Just a normal print of skimr object... :thinking:

right - that probably explains this. So if I moved out of notebook and into markdown in might work? and if I ever manage to get my pdf knit working?

I will update my packages just in case but I'm not too far out I think
[1] ‘1.27’

[1] ‘2.0.2’

yes, thats how I interpret the info from @cderv :slight_smile:


Yes, if you use html_document for your report or even pdf_document and render the Rmd file as a whole it should work as expected.

Maybe a bug or feature request should be open on the IDE for this... :thinking:

I have tested this a bit more myself. If I just use skim, or my tailored skim, then it renders fine with the skimr_digits specified into html in both notebook AND markdown. So thats good.

In the previous incarnation, I had been using knit_print to render my table:

SDWideSkim<-my_skim(SD19WithSciencePlot) %>% yank ("numeric") %>% regulartable() %>% autofit() %>% width(width=1)


(you may notice from my code I don't really know what I'm doing but this has been working). I get a nice table. Skimr_digit only works if I just use

my_skim(SD19WithSciencePlot) %>% yank ("numeric")

It looks like if I try to pipe the output into a flextable object then it ignores the skimr digits.

It does say in the vignette

For documents rendered by knitr , the package provides a custom knit_print method. To use it, the final line of your code chunk should have a skim_df object.

So perhaps the additional pipe means this doesnt work.

This isn't a massive problem as now that its defaulting to knit_print (which I think is new), it looks quite nice in markdown. However, in notebook, the rendered table is not very well formatted:

In markdown the same table from the same code and source looks like this:

I think this is due to your earlier point

This seem to be because, in html_notebook format, knit_print is not called. Just a normal print of skimr object...

I tried piping the skim to knit_print in notebook but it didn't change the formatting.

I guess I can manage this by using Markdown instead. May be worth noting for others and in the manual that you can only see the effects of skimr_digit in the rendered doc and not in notebook, and that you can not pipe the output on - at least not into flextable. Explicitly noting the print difference between Notebook and Markdown might be useful too. I don't think thats noted in the vignette but it may be obvious to those who understand the difference better than I

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