Hey there,
I used map_df for generating a full dataset and now want to fill the gaps (here you can read how that was done if you are interested).
Now, my problem is, that I cannot use fill() for all variables, because some like age change automatically. I found a workaround for this, but i seem to be over-complicated.
Any ideas how to keep it simple?
complete.df <- complete.df %>%
fill(sex) %>%
group_by(id,year) %>%
fill(age, .direction = "downup") %>%
ungroup(year) %>%
mutate(age = ifelse(flag_fill==1 & month==1, lag(age)+1, ifelse(flag_fill==1 & month==12, lead(age)-1, age))) %>%
group_by(id,year) %>%
fill(age, .direction = "downup") %>%
ungroup(year) %>%
mutate(age = ifelse(flag_fill==1 & month==1, lag(age)+1, ifelse(flag_fill==1 & month==12, lead(age)-1, age))) %>%
group_by(id,year) %>%
fill(age, .direction = "downup")