Change default indent in styler to 4 spaces vs. 2

I have tried to read through the styler customization vignette but it is beyond my grasp. Is there a relatively simple way to modify the default indenting from 2 spaces to 4 spaces? Or, an article that might help me get there?

So that:

mtcars %>%
  dplyr::group_by(am, cyl) %>%
    drat_mean = mean(drat),
    disp_mean = mean(disp)


mtcars %>%
    dplyr::group_by(am, cyl) %>%
        drat_mean = mean(drat),
        disp_mean = mean(disp)

Not sure if this complicates it: I am hoping to be able to run this from a keyboard shortcut via Rstudio add-ins.

Luckily, you don't need to dive into serious customization :smile: — the default (and currently only existing) style guide, tidyverse_style() has an indent_by parameter.

The part I found tricky:

There are 3 different equivalent ways of calling the top-level styling functions with your own values passed to tidyverse_style() parameters, which allows for shortcuts in some circumstances but I feel like is also a lot to wrap your head around. Adapted from the Customization vignette:


string_to_format <-
"mtcars %>%
  dplyr::group_by(am, cyl) %>%
    drat_mean = mean(drat),
    disp_mean = mean(disp)

  style_text(string_to_format, transformers = tidyverse_style(indent_by = 4)),
  style_text(string_to_format, style = tidyverse_style, indent_by = 4),
  style_text(string_to_format, indent_by = 4),
#> [1] TRUE

style_text(string_to_format, style = tidyverse_style, indent_by = 4)
#> mtcars %>%
#>     dplyr::group_by(am, cyl) %>%
#>     dplyr::summarise(
#>         drat_mean = mean(drat),
#>         disp_mean = mean(disp)
#>     )

Created on 2018-11-19 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

The style parameter is basically just a shortcut that kicks off the construction of the transformers argument, so you can't do style = tidyverse_style(indent_by = 4).

Edited to add: I personally avoid the third syntax, because having that tidyverse_style() parameter sitting there looking like it's a style_text() parameter makes me itchy (I expect future-me-who-no-longer-remembers-how-it-all-works will not approve), but YMMV!


What happens if you change the number of spaces for an indent in your preferences?

** I like @jcblum's suggestion better. I was thinking of doing the reverse. Change your tab width, and then turn off the styler indent.

That was a huge help and very fast!
To finish this by making it an add-in, I created this .R for a package.

I'm sure some of it is not best practice.

# usethis::use_package("styler")
# usethis::use_package("rstudioapi")

#' style 4 spaces
#' from {}
#' from {}
#' @return
#' @export
style_selection_4spaces <- function(){
    context <- get_rstudio_context()
    text <- context$selection[[1]]$text
    if (all(nchar(text) == 0)) stop("No code selected")
    out <- styler::style_text(text, style = styler::tidyverse_style(), transformers = styler::tidyverse_style(indent_by = 4))
        context$selection[[1]]$range, paste0(out, collapse = "\n"),
        id = context$id

#' get_rstudio_context
#' from {}
#' @return getActiveDocumentContext
get_rstudio_context <- function() {
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This workaround is now out of date.

For the latest solution, check out

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