Change color scheme manually for categorical data in bokeh


I have this here interactive map and I'm trying to change the color scheme so that 0 is red and 4 is green.

Currently when I set the color to "Category" it has a default scheme that does not visually represent what I'm trying to convey. Here is the original code:

plot2 <- suppressWarnings(figure(width = 800, height = 450, padding_factor = 0, xlim = c(-93,-75), ylim=c(40,50)) %>%
                            ly_map("lakes", col = "lightblue") %>%
                            ly_points(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, data = indices3, size = 5, col=Category,
                                      hover = c(UID, SITE_ID, Water_Quality_Index, Sed_Chem_Index,
                                                Sed_Tox_Index, OTI_Classification, Category)))

I then tried to manually change it by creating a vector of color names:

colors <- c("red", "orange", "yellow", "blue", "green")

And then setting the color argument to my color vector:

plot2 <- suppressWarnings(figure(width = 800, height = 450, padding_factor = 0, xlim = c(-93,-75), ylim=c(40,50)) %>%
                            ly_map("lakes", col = "lightblue") %>%
                            ly_points(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, data = indices3, size = 5, col=colors,
                                      hover = c(UID, SITE_ID, Water_Quality_Index, Sed_Chem_Index,
                                                Sed_Tox_Index, OTI_Classification, Category)))

But alas, it did not work (and I didn't really think it would because I want the colors to align with the categories and not simply be unassigned colors). Anyone have an idea on how I can achieve this?

Here is a subset of my data:

indices3 <- structure(list(UID = c("155230", "155231", "155232", "155233", 
"155233", "155233", "155233", "155233", "155233", "155233", "155233", 
"155234", "155234", "155234", "155234"), SITE_ID = c("LHLEC-012", 
"LHLEC-015", "LHLEC-011", "LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", 
"LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", "LHLEC-003", 
"LHLEC-004", "LHLEC-004", "LHLEC-004", "LHLEC-004"), LATITUDE = c(42.0855, 
42.1436, 42.1203, 42.1725, 42.1725, 42.1725, 42.1725, 42.1725, 
42.1725, 42.1725, 42.1725, 42.0461, 42.0461, 42.0461, 42.0461
), LONGITUDE = c(-83.1216, -83.1177, -83.1328, -83.1316, -83.1316, 
-83.1316, -83.1316, -83.1316, -83.1316, -83.1316, -83.1316, -83.1844, 
-83.1844, -83.1844, -83.1844), Water.Quality.Index = c("Fair", 
"Poor", "Fair", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", 
"Good", "Good", "Poor", "Fair", "Poor", "Fair"), SedChemindex = c("Fair", 
"Good", "Fair", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", 
"Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good"), SEDTOX_INDEX = c("Fair", 
"Good", "Fair", "Good", "Good", "Fair", "Fair", "Good", "Good", 
"Fair", "Fair", "Poor", "Poor", "Good", "Good"), OTI.Classification = c("Missing", 
"Fair", "Poor", "Fair", "Fair", "Fair", "Fair", "Fair", "Fair", 
"Fair", "Fair", "Poor", "Poor", "Poor", "Poor"), Category = c(0, 
2, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2)), row.names = c(NA, 
15L), class = "data.frame")

Thanks so much!

Of course I found the answer after asking this question, so I'll answer it here in case someone in the future has the same problem. Add the following code after a pipe operator:

set_palette(discrete_color = pal_color(c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue")))

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