Hello guys,
Below is a Shiny app of the bucket list in "sortable". Does anyone have ideas on how to capture the items in the bucket list when Shiny is launched/refreshed?
The issues are:
After the app is launched, "C" is expected to appear under "Letters under C", while it is empty.
Drag "a" and "b" to "C" and click "Reset", then "C" is expected to appear under "Letters under C", while "C", "a", and "b" are there.
library(shiny); library(sortable)
# Helper function.
ft_js <- function(x) {
sortable_js(css_id = x,
options = sortable_options(
multiDrag = NULL, sort = FALSE, animation = 1000, direction = NULL,
group = list(name = "sortGroup1", put = TRUE),
onSort = sortable_js_capture_input(x)
ui <- fluidPage(
column(3, strong('Letters under C:'), textOutput('match')), column(1, actionButton("reset", 'Reset', icon=icon("reset"))), br(),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$ft.match <- renderUI({
span(class = "panel panel-default", style = 'margin-left:0px', div(class = "panel-heading", strong("Section1")),
div(class = "panel-body", id = "ftSVG",
tag("span", list(class = class('a'), tags$span(class = "glyphicon glyphicon-move"), 'a')),
tag("span", list(class = class('b'), tags$span(class = "glyphicon glyphicon-move"), 'b'))
div(class = "panel panel-default",
div(class = "panel-heading", strong("Section2")),
span(class = "panel panel-default",
div(class = "panel-heading", 'C'),
div(class = "panel-body", id = 'C', tag("span", list(class = class('C'), tags$span(class = "glyphicon glyphicon-move"), 'C')))
), lapply(c('ftSVG', 'C'), ft_js)
output$match <- renderText({ input[['C']] })
shinyApp(ui, server)