Hello I have a variable and based on it I wanted to generate another variable when the first one is between certain values. I am trying with this code, but it gives me error. I want to create values from 0 to 4 to "category" the new variable.
my_data <- tibble(Var_1 = c(1, 5, 8, 90, 1500, 350, 1200, 450,125,250,300)
my_data %>%
mutate(category = case_when(
Var_1 < 50 ~ 0,
Var_1<= 99 & Var_1>= 50 ~ 1,
Var_1<= 199 & Var_1>= 100 ~ 2,
Var_1<= 499 & Var_1>= 200 ~ 3,
Var_1<= 500 ~ 4,
TRUE ~ Var_1))```
Nothing wrong with it except in your my_data
bit, which is missing the closing )
my_data <- tibble(Var_1 = c(1, 5, 8, 90, 1500, 350, 1200, 450,125,250,300)) # missing the closing `)`
# A tibble: 11 x 2
Var_1 category
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0
2 5 0
3 8 0
4 90 1
5 1500 1500
6 350 3
7 1200 1200
8 450 3
9 125 2
10 250 3
11 300 3
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October 17, 2020, 10:00am
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