case_when mutate question

name location total_cats total_cats_down total_cats_up total_cats_updown total_cats_downup total_cats_oe total_cats_ce ... total_cats_downup what_col
Annie NJ          44            23            33               33               39            99              33                  88        total_cats_updown
Ryan  BA          34            33            11               23               23            12              39                  11        total_cats

above is my data frame. I have the columns total_cats, total_cats_down, total_cats_up, total_cats_updown, total_cats_downup...total_cats_oe, total_cats_ce... and for every other column from total_cats_down:total_cats_downup I have columns that end in _oe and _ce. I did not write them out so it is shorter to view. I want to make three new columns: total_cats_final, total_cats_oe_final, and total_cats_ce_final based on the value in the column that is listed in what_col.

for example, if what_col is total_cats_updown, then :
total_cats_final , total_cats_oe_final , total_cats_ce_final would have the values found in total_cats_updown, total_cats_updown_oe, total_cats_updown_ce

is there a shorter way to do this than just do a case_when + mutate for three new columns in the Tidyverse? this could be very lengthy and repetitive I feel. thank u<3

your example shows total_cats_downup twice, this would be extremely awkward.
is your data really like that , or have you made a mistake in creating your example ?

sorry that is mistake in creating example. it was supposed to be... total_cats_downup_oe, total_cats_downup_ce

I dont know if its shorter than your case statements (though it has potnetial to be greatly reduced if certain variables were guaranteed to be in the frame i.e. total_cats_updown_oe


df <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  name = c("NJ", "BA"),
  location = c(44L, 34L),
  total_cats = c(23L, 33L),
  total_cats_down = c(33L, 11L),
  total_cats_up = c(33L, 23L),
  total_cats_updown = c(39L, 23L),
  total_cats_downup = c(99L, 12L),
  total_cats_oe = c(33L, 39L),
  total_cats_ce = c(88L, 11L),
  what_col = c("total_cats_updown", "total_cats")

       total_cats_final = cur_data()[[what_col]],
       total_cats_oe_final = {x <- paste0(what_col,"_oe");if(x %in% names(cur_data())){cur_data()[[x]] }else{NA}},
       total_cats_ce_final = {x <- paste0(what_col,"_ce");if(x %in% names(cur_data())){cur_data()[[x]] }else{NA}},
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thank u this is so incredibly helpful. do u have a recommendation for running a loop on this if I have so many columns I am making "final" versions of? im just changing the suffix and what the new column name would be

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