Can't save R Studio configuration change

We recently bought and install R Studio (version 1.1.453) on a couple of computer. Out of 12 installation, I only have customer hat can actually change and save his setting (tool, global option..., any setting there). All my other user have to hange the setting every time they close and open to software.

I took a look at the security on each repository, they are all the same. All the 12 installation has been done following the same installation guide. Anyone ever face a similar case?

Hi Yanny. Since you mention that you bought RStudio, if you have RStudio Server Pro (or another pro product and Shiny Server Pro or Connect) you have access to Support. Just email to get the help you need to sort this issue.

Are you working with an open source RStudio product?

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thank, I will do that

I'm told this may be the result of RStudio lacking the permissions required on the directories where it wants to write the UI preferences.

Kevin on the IDE Team: It'd be useful to know more about your environment. We've had a number of Windows users in 'enterprise' environments (I think typically with active directory) who have these sorts of problems. In some cases, users aren't able to launch RStudio at all unless they're running on the Administrator account (ie with elevated permissions)

Could we also get some system Information (expand this line) as well?

#### System Information:
- RStudio Edition: (Desktop or Server)
- RStudio Version: 
- OS Version: 
- R Version: 

#### Also:
<!-- Depending on your issue, the following may be useful /-->
<!-- If a section isn't relevant or you can't collect it just delete that section below /-->
- RStudio diagnostics report: <!--see /-->
- Your `sessionInfo()`:
- RStudio crash report: <!-- /-->
- RStudio application log files: <!-- /-->