I've been trying to do this in R Studio (v 2024.12.0 Build 467) on Mac OS, and at first it would just hang as a background job. Then, looking all over the internet including this forum, I saw that this was a widespread issue. I updated my quarto to 1.6.40 and then updated my chromium using "quarto install chromium" at terminal. Then it resulted in an ERROR when trying to render to PDF - something like " ERROR: Couldn't find open server. Chrome process error: Old Headless mode. . . " I then updated my quarto to 1.7.13, and also updated my tinytex installation, and now it's back to just hanging indefinitely in the background jobs. Bottom line, I want to be able to render my quarto document to PDF or docx if it contains a Mermaid diagram. Rendering it to HTML is insufficient, as I need to access an image (jpeg, png, tiff etc) of the diagram to put in a document.