Hi, I have finally been able to authenticate with the Google Contacts API.
When I send
response <- httr::GET('https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/{email}/full ', list(access_token = mytoken))
I get a status 200 reponse but the repsonse$contents say it is 'raw' and I can't read it.
[561] 67 6c .... 6e 6b 20 68 72 65 66 3d...
[641] 38 2f 6...... 74 6f
Is the results of the following statement readable?
@HanOostdijk . Yes it does thank you very much, I did not know of that function existed. It is in xml. Now to interpret the response, but that is great, thank you.
July 26, 2020, 9:51pm
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