I recently updated my RStudio and before the update, I could easily publish my bookdowns at https://bookdown.org/, by just clicking the publish button.
Now, when I click this button I get the message that "bookdown.org is Not Registered", telling me that I don't have any accounts registered on that server. I then try to configure a bookdown account in my system, by running bookdown::publish_book(render = "local") which prompts me to authenticate the connection in my browser. After the authentication is done, I get
You've successfully connected the rsconnect package to RStudio Connect! If you're using the RStudio IDE, click the "Connect Account" button to finish adding this account.
Now you are ready to publish a Shiny application, R Markdown documents or any plot created with R.
Then, in RStudio again, I go to global options > publishing > connect (no account is shown there), and the window asks me for my RStudio connect server URL, which I don't have and I continue to not be able to publish my bookdowns. I am new to RStudio connect so I'm not quite sure about what I'm doing wrong, shouldn't my bookdown account just be authenticated without the need of connecting to RStudio connect?
I have restarted R, RStudio, and the computer a few times but I still have no connection to bookdown.org
Thanks @cderv. When I do that, RStudio opens the browser, I make the authentication and I get the same message as before, that I can return to RStudio and click "Connect Account". After that, RStudio doesn't update, it just keeps waiting for me to make the authentication. Is that the expected behaviour?
It seems there is something wrong happening on the network, the API calls, between the IDE and the server. Unfortunately I don't have much more idea right now.
Are you using a recent RStudio version ?
Once you click connect account, it should be synced to RStudio IDE and at some point you should see the server configured in your IDE.
Just an update, this seems to be a problem with my computer rather than RStudio, I've tried authenticating other apps in the browser (Chrome and Safari) and that didn't work either.