I have a Rocky 8 (based on RHEL 8) server on which rstudio-server "2023.06.0+421.pro1 Workbench (Mountain Hydrangea) for RHEL 8" was installed and working normally, using the default system R (4.3.0, installed in /usr). I needed to install Posit Connect in addition, but I got error messages about some of its (install) files conflicting with that version of Workbench, and so I upgraded rstudio-server to "2023.09.0+463.pro11 Workbench (Desert Sunflower) for RHEL 8" and then installed Connect " v2023.09.0; Build v2023.09.0-0-g3448da6cf4". Because Connect couldn't find the system R, since it wasn't in /opt, I followed the instructions for installing R 4.2.3 in /opt and symlinking in /usr/local/bin, and afterwards Posit Connect is working fine. However, I can no longer log into Workbench. PAM is still working, as I get messages in /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-server/rserver-pam.log if I supply an intentionally incorrect username/password, and the login page will show the error as expected. However, with correct credentials, the login page simply refreshes, and there are no updates to any log file in /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-server/, nor error messages in dmesg in /var/log/messages. I did try adjusting /etc/rstudio/r-versions to restrict the versions back to just the system one under /usr, in case it was the new R version causing a problem, but that didn't change anything.
Miscellaneous notes:
- at start up, the systemd logs show a warning " /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver: /lib64/libpq.so.5: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/rstudio-server...", but I'm not sure if this is related because it was occurring before when logins were working.