Can't load relimp package

I use a windows computer. When load library RcmdrPlugin.DoE, it always hang at loading required package: relimp.
It always stop at this step .
Can anyone help me to figure out why this happen?

For more detail, I am trying the tutorial of
I installed all the necessary packages he suggested as shown below
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.Export") # Graphically export objects to LaTeX or HTML
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR") # Graphical User Interface for FactoMineR
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.HH") # Rcmdr support for the HH package
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR") # Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.SurvivalT") # Rcmdr Survival Plug-In
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos") # Rcmdr Teaching Demos Plug-In
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.epack") # Rcmdr plugin for time series
install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.orloca") # orloca Rcmdr Plug-in
install.packages("Rcmdr") # at the R prompt

I don't think this will work if you're using RStudio. According to the RcmdrPlugin.DoE description:

The package provides a platform-independent GUI for design of experiments. It is implemented as a plugin to the R-Commander, which is a more general graphical user interface for statistics in R based on tcl/tk. DoE functionality can be accessed through the menu Design that is added to the R-Commander menus.

R Commander is a GUI completely separate from RStudio.

For disambiguation among R, RStudio (and any other GUI/IDE for that matter), see FAQ, below:

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Thanks, Mara. I solved the problem by using it in R. Your explanation is very helpful for a beginner. I appreciate your help.

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