Can't launch RStudio?

R version: R 3.4.3

Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2


Having issues with RStudio calling to Python 2.7 on my mac instead of Python 3, I created a .Rprofile text file in my home directory and pasted this line of code:

Sys.setenv(PATH = paste("/home/my_user_name/anaconda3/bin", Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep=":"))

and tried relaunching RStudio, but it didn't launch. I removed all .R hidden files in my directory as suggested here. I updated my OS, uninstalled and reinstalled both R & RStudio. I've also removed the previous .rproj file I was using in case that file was corrupt. Nothing seems to work and RStudio can't be launched. Any idea what can be happening here? This is the path to R on my system: "/usr/local/bin/R" .

Any help would be greatly appreciated.