Even with this command "type = binary" nothing is asked.
The message is different and it seems that tidyverse is installed now :
> install.packages("tidyverse", lib="C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.4/library", type = "binary")
essai de l'URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/4.0/tidyverse_1.3.1.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 429963 bytes (419 KB)
downloaded 419 KB
package ‘tidyverse’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
The downloaded binary packages are in
So now, when I try to run this command I got the following error message :
> library(tidyverse)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyverse’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: pluck<-, accumulate, accumulate2, accumulate_right, array_branch, array_tree, as_mapper, as_vector, assign_in, at_depth, attr_getter, auto_browse, chuck, compact, compose, cross, cross2, cross3, cross_d, cross_df, cross_n, detect, detect_index, discard, every, flatten_df, flatten_dfc, flatten_dfr, has_element, head_while, imap, imap_chr, imap_dbl, imap_dfc, imap_dfr, imap_int, imap_lgl, imap_raw, imodify, insistently, invoke_map, invoke_map_chr, invoke_map_dbl, invoke_map_df, invoke_map_dfc, invoke_map_dfr, invoke_map_int, invoke_map_lgl, invoke_map_raw, is_numeric, is_rate, is_scalar_numeric, iwalk, keep, lift, lift_dl, lift_dv, lift_ld, lift_lv, lift_vd, lift_vl, list_merge, list_modify, lmap, lmap_at, lmap_if, map, map2, map2_chr, map2_dbl, map2_df, map2_dfc, map2_dfr, map2_int, map2_lgl, map2_raw, map_at, map_call, map_chr, map_dbl, map_depth, map_df, map_dfc, map_dfr, map_
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘tidyverse’ was built under R version 4.0.5
2: S3 methods ‘as_mapper.character’, ‘as_mapper.default’, ‘as_mapper.list’, ‘as_mapper.numeric’, ‘modify.character’, ‘modify.default’, ‘modify.double’, ‘modify.integer’, ‘modify.logical’, ‘modify.pairlist’, ‘modify2.character’, ‘modify2.default’, ‘modify2.double’, ‘modify2.integer’, ‘modify2.logical’, ‘modify_at.character’, ‘modify_at.default’, ‘modify_at.double’, ‘modify_at.integer’, ‘modify_at.logical’, ‘modify_depth.default’, ‘modify_if.character’, ‘modify_if.default’, ‘modify_if.double’, ‘modify_if.integer’, ‘modify_if.logical’, ‘print.purrr_function_compose’, ‘print.purrr_function_partial’, ‘print.purrr_rate_backoff’, ‘print.purrr_rate_delay’, ‘rate_sleep.purrr_rate_backoff’, ‘rate_sleep.purrr_rate_delay’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found